OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
OLICNC® Precision ER Chucks for Lathe Machines Flanges
Body Accuracy:
Etkazib berish usuli:
快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
Yetkazib berish vaqti:
xususiyat raqami:
Namuna:To'lovli yordamNamuna olish

Sizga yanada samarali xizmat ko'rsatish uchun so'rovlar paytida "6124" xizmat ko'rsatish identifikatorini ko'rsating.

Hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur va biz sizga yordam berishdan umidvormiz!

Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Yetkazib berish vaqti:7-30day
Etkazib berish usuli:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
xususiyat raqami:ER16~ER50
Mahsulot ta'rif
Body Precision≤0.005mm
Matched with 5μ Collet≤0.15mm
Matched with 8μ Collet≤0.02mm
Matched with 3μ Collet≤0.01mm
Application ScopeFour-axis, five-axis, CNC lathe, machining center, woodworking lathe, engraving machine

      High-precision ER chucks designed for lathe machines, offering exceptional accuracy and durability. These chucks are ideal for a wide range of applications, including CNC lathes, machining centers, and woodworking lathes. With a hardness of HRC40-45 and made from 40Cr material, they ensure long-lasting performance and reliability.

  • Key Features
  • High Precision: Body precision ≤0.005mm, ensuring minimal runout and superior machining accuracy.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Matched with 5μ, 8μ, and 3μ collets, providing flexibility for various machining needs.
  • Concentricity & Verticality: Ensures precise processing with balanced radial patterns and eccentric nut design.
  • Easy Replacement: Convenient clamping mechanism allows for quick and easy replacement of the chuck.
  • Applications
  • CNC Lathes: Ideal for high-precision turning operations.
  • Machining Centers: Suitable for complex machining tasks.
  • Woodworking Lathes: Ensures smooth and accurate woodturning.
  • Engraving Machines: Provides precise control for detailed engraving work.
  • Company Advantages
  1. OEM/ODM Services: Customizable ER collet chuck kits to meet specific requirements.
  2. Multiple Payment Options: Flexible payment methods for convenience.
  3. Excellent Customer Service: Dedicated support for pre-sales and post-sales inquiries.
  4. One-Stop Procurement: Comprehensive range of products for all machining needs.


Tez-tez beriladigan savollarga javoblar (FAQ)

1.Siz zavod yoki savdo shirkatisiz?

Biz ishlab chiqarish sifati va ta'minot zanjiri samaradorligi ustidan uzluksiz nazoratni ta'minlab, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri savdo imkoniyatlariga ega integratsiyalashgan zavod sifatida ishlaymiz.

2. Sizning brendingiz nima?

Bizning flagman brendlarimiz OLICNC va OLIMA Shimoliy Amerika va Yevropada tovar belgilarini toʻliq roʻyxatdan oʻtkazadi, bu esa global hamkorlar uchun intellektual mulk muvofiqligini kafolatlaydi.

3. Siz OEM yoki ODM ni qo'llab-quvvatlaysizmi?

Ha. Quyidagilar bilan jihozlangan: • Maxsus ilmiy-tadqiqot guruhi • ISO sertifikatiga ega ishlab chiqarish quvvatlari • SGS tomonidan tasdiqlangan sifat menejmenti tizimi

Biz prototipdan ommaviy ishlab chiqarishgacha moslashtirilgan echimlarga ixtisoslashganmiz.

4. Namuna buyurtmasini qo'llab-quvvatlay olasizmi?

Albatta. Biz taqdim etamiz:

• Kam MOQ namunalari • tezlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish

5. qanday xizmatlarni taqdim eta olasiz?

Logistika: FOB / CFR / CIF / EXW / DDP (Air & Express kiritilgan)

Toʻlovlar: • Valyutalar: USD, EUR, HKD, CNY • Usullar: T/T, PayPal (chakana)

Savollar yoki konsultatsiyalar

Biz har qanday ishda uning ajoyibligiga bag'ishlanganmiz va siz bilan ishlashga intilamiz!


Aloqa shaxsi: Olima Lee

E-pochta: olima@olicnc.com

Tel: +86 537-4252090 / +86-135 0547 0902

Qo'shish: N0.9 Quanxin Rd.,Sishui iqtisodiy rivojlanish zonasi,Sishui,Shandong,Chinа

