OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
OLICNC®HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders: Precision Redefined for High-Speed Machining
self-developed special steel
Etkazib berish usuli:
快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
Yetkazib berish vaqti:
xususiyat raqami:
Namuna:To'lovli yordamNamuna olish

Sizga yanada samarali xizmat ko'rsatish uchun so'rovlar paytida "6124" xizmat ko'rsatish identifikatorini ko'rsating.

Hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur va biz sizga yordam berishdan umidvormiz!

Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Yetkazib berish vaqti:7-30day
Etkazib berish usuli:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
xususiyat raqami:HSK63A/HSK100A
Mahsulot ta'rif
self-developed special steel
Hot-loading temperature
Heat-resistant temperature
Tool life
3000 times

Product Summary
SHANDONG OLI MACHINERY CO., LTD introduces the HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders, a cutting-edge solution designed for precision machining in high-speed applications. Leveraging advanced thermal shrink-fit technology, these tool holders ensure superior clamping force, minimal runout, and extended tool life. Ideal for deep cavity machining, interference positions, and complex five-axis finishing, the HSK-SF series delivers unmatched performance in demanding industrial environments.

Basic Product Information
The HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders operate on the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. The tool holder, made from a specialized steel with a high thermal expansion coefficient, is heated to a maximum of 430°C using a hot-loading machine. As the inner hole expands, the tool is inserted. Upon cooling, the tool holder contracts, creating a secure, vibration-free grip. This process ensures a clamping force three times greater than traditional collet chuck systems. With a precision tolerance of ≤3mm, a maximum speed of 30,000 rpm, and a heat-resistant temperature of 720°C, the HSK-SF series is engineered for durability and accuracy.

Product Features

Enhanced Durability and Precision
The HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders are crafted from a specialized steel that allows hot-loading at temperatures up to 430°C, well below the material’s heat-resistant threshold of 720°C. This ensures repeated hot-loading cycles do not degrade the tool holder’s structural integrity or precision. The result is a product that maintains its accuracy over thousands of operations, with a tool life extending up to 3,000 cycles.

Optimized Design for Minimal Interference
Featuring a front wall thickness of just 1.5mm and a slender body, the HSK-SF series minimizes interference with workpieces and fixtures. This design is particularly beneficial for machining deep and narrow cavities or working in confined spaces. The reduced bending during operation also decreases tool chattering, enhancing surface finish and extending tool life.

Superior Clamping Force for High-Speed Applications
With a clamping force three times greater than collet chuck systems, the HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders excel in high-speed machining scenarios. This robust grip reduces vibration, ensuring smoother operation and improved surface quality. Whether machining steel, aluminum, or other materials, the HSK-SF series delivers consistent performance.

Versatile Application Scenarios
The HSK-SF series is ideal for precision machining of deep and narrow cavities, interference positions, and complex five-axis finishing with ball-end milling cutters. Its ability to handle high speeds and maintain tight tolerances makes it a preferred choice for aerospace, automotive, and mold-making industries.

Company Advantages
SHANDONG OLI MACHINERY CO., LTD is a trusted name in precision engineering, offering OEM and ODM services tailored to meet diverse customer needs. With support for multiple payment methods and a commitment to excellent pre-sales and after-sales services, the company ensures a seamless experience for its global clientele.

The HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders from SHANDONG OLI MACHINERY CO., LTD represent the pinnacle of thermal shrink-fit technology. With their robust design, precision engineering, and versatile applications, these tool holders are an indispensable asset for high-speed machining. Experience the difference in performance and reliability with the HSK-SF series—your partner in precision machining excellence.

Keywords: HSK-SF Shrink Tool Holders, Heat Shrink Tool Holders, Thermal Shrink Fit Holders, HSK-SF Precision Shrink Fit Holders, High-Speed Shrink Fit Tooling


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3. Siz OEM yoki ODM ni qo'llab-quvvatlaysizmi?

Ha. Quyidagilar bilan jihozlangan: • Maxsus ilmiy-tadqiqot guruhi • ISO sertifikatiga ega ishlab chiqarish quvvatlari • SGS tomonidan tasdiqlangan sifat menejmenti tizimi

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4. Namuna buyurtmasini qo'llab-quvvatlay olasizmi?

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• Kam MOQ namunalari • tezlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish

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Aloqa shaxsi: Olima Lee

E-pochta: olima@olicnc.com

Tel: +86 537-4252090 / +86-135 0547 0902

Qo'shish: N0.9 Quanxin Rd.,Sishui iqtisodiy rivojlanish zonasi,Sishui,Shandong,Chinа

