MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
Etkazib berish usuli:
快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
Yetkazib berish vaqti:
xususiyat raqami:
MT2/ MT3/MT4/MT5/MT6
Namuna:To'lovli yordamNamuna olish

Sizga yanada samarali xizmat ko'rsatish uchun so'rovlar paytida "6124" xizmat ko'rsatish identifikatorini ko'rsating.

Hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur va biz sizga yordam berishdan umidvormiz!

Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Tez-tez so'raladigan savollar
Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Yetkazib berish vaqti:7-15Day
Etkazib berish usuli:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
xususiyat raqami:MT2/ MT3/MT4/MT5/MT6
Mahsulot ta'rif
Available with B, C, D, E, F tip shafts
MT Heavy Duty Live Centers - Precision and Reliability for Your CNC Machining Needs
Looking for a high-quality live center that can handle heavy-duty cutting tasks with precision and reliability? Look no further than the MT Heavy Duty Live Centers from SHANDONG OLI MACHINERY CO.,LTD! Our live centers are designed to provide accurate and stable cutting performance, making them ideal for a wide range of CNC machining applications.

Model    L    L1    D    D1    d     Max Radial Load     Max Speed    Accuracy
MT2    145    35    46    17.780    24    1500    3000    0.01
MT3    170    36    53    23.825    27    2000    2500    0.01
MT4    207    45    60    31.267    32    3200    2000    0.01
MT5    261    55    78    44.399    46    6300    2000    0.01
MT6    362    68.5  120    63.348    63    10000    1500    0.01

Key Parameters:
Precision: 0.01mm
Max Speed: 3000RPM
Max Radial Load: 10000(Max)
Product Features:
High-quality materials for durability and long lifespan
Precise cutting performance with 0.01mm tolerance
Maximum speed of 3000RPM for efficient cutting
Capable of handling heavy radial loads up to 10000(Max)
Customizable based on customer samples or drawings

Company Advantages:
Strict quality control and management standards to ensure product accuracy and reliability
Global market presence with exports to over 40 countries and regions
OEM services available for customized products
Advanced CNC equipment and testing methods for high-efficiency production
Dedicated customer service for personalized support
By choosing the MT Heavy Duty Live Centers from SHANDONG OLI MACHINERY CO.,LTD, you can enjoy the benefits of precision cutting, reliable performance, and customizable solutions that meet your unique CNC machining needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services!

  • Dear Customer, To provide you with more efficient service, please mention our service ID "6124" when making inquiries.
  • Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to assisting you!


Tez-tez beriladigan savollarga javoblar (FAQ)

1.Siz zavod yoki savdo shirkatisiz?

Biz ishlab chiqarish sifati va ta'minot zanjiri samaradorligi ustidan uzluksiz nazoratni ta'minlab, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri savdo imkoniyatlariga ega integratsiyalashgan zavod sifatida ishlaymiz.

2. Sizning brendingiz nima?

Bizning flagman brendlarimiz OLICNC va OLIMA Shimoliy Amerika va Yevropada tovar belgilarini toʻliq roʻyxatdan oʻtkazadi, bu esa global hamkorlar uchun intellektual mulk muvofiqligini kafolatlaydi.

3. Siz OEM yoki ODM ni qo'llab-quvvatlaysizmi?

Ha. Quyidagilar bilan jihozlangan: • Maxsus ilmiy-tadqiqot guruhi • ISO sertifikatiga ega ishlab chiqarish quvvatlari • SGS tomonidan tasdiqlangan sifat menejmenti tizimi

Biz prototipdan ommaviy ishlab chiqarishgacha moslashtirilgan echimlarga ixtisoslashganmiz.

4. Namuna buyurtmasini qo'llab-quvvatlay olasizmi?

Albatta. Biz taqdim etamiz:

• Kam MOQ namunalari • tezlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish

5. qanday xizmatlarni taqdim eta olasiz?

Logistika: FOB / CFR / CIF / EXW / DDP (Air & Express kiritilgan)

Toʻlovlar: • Valyutalar: USD, EUR, HKD, CNY • Usullar: T/T, PayPal (chakana)

Savollar yoki konsultatsiyalar

Biz har qanday ishda uning ajoyibligiga bag'ishlanganmiz va siz bilan ishlashga intilamiz!


Aloqa shaxsi: Olima Lee


Tel: +86 537-4252090 / +86-135 0547 0902

Qo'shish: N0.9 Quanxin Rd.,Sishui iqtisodiy rivojlanish zonasi,Sishui,Shandong,Chinа

